
For 12 months I have been living in a nightmare.  

A lady moved in the apartment across from me she was not a young woman she was a grandmother of 3. She was fine, everything was okay until…she brought a very big Rottweiler dog into her place. She could hardly control it when she would take it outside. She did not have permission to have the dog and continued to have it until it tried to bite several tenants. She finally got rid of the dog and gave it to her daughter and her family after warnings from our manager. 

We thought things would be better but no such luck.( Reminded me of HELL HOUSE years ago. She was smoking pot and drinking like crazy and most times just making others here miserable.) 

So she continued to break so many rules of her lease that she was given many warnings. She decided that she would take in several feral cats that roamed around and feed them. AGAIN against all the lease rules. She wandered around the complex of three buildings looking and calling them. Got into almost a fist fight with a elderly tenant lady in another building and the cops were called. It turned into a report for the sheriff dept because we are outside the city a whole BLOCK. Because there was no physical contact to the other tenant.. no charges were filed. 

OH it continues.. The cats  had never  been a problem here in the past they never came around. Now they were on everyone’s patio and trying to get inside if anyone left a door open. I am allergic to them and they used my patio as a bathroom and all my patio furniture as their beds. I had to spray to keep them away and even that did not help. I was unable to use my patio and sit out there the entire summer months. Talk about complaining to the management. They acted like there was NOTHING they could do so we had to put up with it. 

EMT’s were called at least 4 or 5 times because she was drunk and fallen and once told them she had a seizure. She was admitted for a week to a psych ward in the hospital. She returned home and found that she had left the feral cats inside her place when they took her out. Sooo her apt was trashed by the cats with no food or water. WE did not know they were inside until we saw them crawling up the screen windows and tearing up the blinds. Maintenance was called and they opened the doors and let them out. The smell and the damage had been done. She came home to one big mess. She had some rugs in the bathroom and took them to the laundry and tore up the machine with the mess that was left on them. She was drunk and put nickels in the slot for the dryer instead of quarters. IT went on and on. Most people would think that was sure interesting or exciting  but it gets worse…. COME BACK FOR 



WOW this is the LONGEST period I have EVER went without updating  EVER………

SORRY it took so long…

 MARCH went out like a lion.. snow and cold and you name it just like the old saying goes. APRIL came in and more cold than warm. The trees are budding like crazy and the birds are seeking nesting areas they don’t care. It is SPRING. This morning thunder and lightning almost knocked me out of bed. I sure was not expecting it. After a whole winter without that noise…well it was extra loud. Get ready for allergies and bugs..oh SPRING we have waited. So April left and it was still cool and sometimes down right COLD. YES I said cold. They cut off the boiler heat on the 18th and wouldn’t you know…40’s and lower every single night. Seems always like that in spring here in the mitten state.

 MAY I stopped writing in April and took it back up the END OF MAY.. where did it go? It seems so quick. Turned on my AC to see if it was still running. Well, it is but how long I have no idea. It’s been all over in different places and it’s 10 years old!! A friend came to visit that I see once a year and we went shopping and I got another AC just in case.


Had Dr, checkup appts scheduled  in the spring so that I did not have to go out in the wintertime. Having no car sure makes it hard to do things. Things are good and holding my own. Good to know.. WHAM two weeks later.. the old AFIB was back. I sure was shocked. I had had an EKG and things were great. Just goes to show you. It had been a LONG time since that had popped up. NO reasoning behind it. I hadn’t done anything to cause it really. Good friend MO from blogging days had a bad heart spell and it was not expected either. I learned later that she was okay, went on and GOT MARRIED.. so happy for her. 


Afib only lasted about 2 days this time and almost 2 years to the day from the last time it arrived. I was sure surprised and did not have to go to ER this time as the heart rates were not really high.

 The boys in the apt above me are preparing to move soon. They were being trained for Consumers Power as LINEMEN. Talk about in shape! Well they were able to complete their training and moved out before the end of the month. Nice and quiet for me. We had big DOG trauma in the complex when a woman in our building refused to follow the rules and her big Rotwiller/Pit nearly chomped on TWO other dogs in the complex. She could hardly control it when she walked it. Come to find out the dog was NOT HERS and she was taking care of it. Office told us that it was NOT ALLOWED here but she continued. She was given a warningto move if she did not CEASE that and then she decided to take it elsewhere to take care of it. She had the whole place in an uproar. She is still not popular in this place to date. Hot and humid summer, hard for me to manage it but I did get out as much as I could stand. Wearing masks really hinder me but I will not take the chances everyone else takes. Kids are gathering supplies and getting ready for school to start next month early. WHERE did the summer go? It seemed to feel shorter than years past. 


WELL our apt neighbors finally moved in a rush and the days of POT smelling are over for now. We rejoiced about that they had the whole building of 8 apts smelling terrible. In the winter they smoked it inside their vehicle in the parking lot. Summer not so. Hard to believe that one thing can disrupt the whole building like that. There was something in the lease about it but the LAWS have changed and they had not updated the lease. Hope they do next year. School started and first day of Kindergarten for my nieces girl was not trauma at all. SHE LOVED It. So happy she did and is excited about school Seems just awhile ago she was a baby. My how time flies by. 

The new tenant moved in above me and works nights I have been told. I feel for him as I did that in the 80’s for five years. It really took a toll on me. Did not know it until it was over and I was back to a normal schedule. He works for a POT plant that is near us here. I sure hope he doesn’t SMOKE IT…ohhh what are the odds of this??? Our August has been the most beautiful I can remember. AC barely used and some nights have been in the 50’s. RARE for August for sure. Most of our leaves are still green and it has been a weird few months here weather wise. We have been very lucky.  Getting my check up for my Glaucoma soon I sure hope things are holding good there. WISH ME LUCK..





WELL half the month is gone and I am finally able to sit down and add something here. I am just getting over another “something” even the doctor had no idea what it was. Now that is unreal. I insisted on a chest x ray…that came out negative for Bronchitis and Pneumonia. Thank Goodness. After being sick soo many times I wanted to take no chances. GUESS WHAT.. I had NO taste and NO smell. YES INDEED…it was NOT COVID! I was tested three times on different days. Just amazing. Finally came to the conclusion on my own that using my inhalers more than usual could be causing a problem. Yes I was breathing better but ohhh the side effects. YIKES.. It was not flu, worse than a regular cold..Just plain weird. One the mend now just coughing some. I use two to three masks and hardly leave my place. WHY ME? Just crazy.. 

SO what else is new?  A new tenant moved in across the hall from me and poor lady did not have a thing but a lamp and a lazy boy and a small tv. WOW… we all felt bad for her. She was waiting for her things to come from storage and talk about a wait.. almost 3 weeks. She said a lot of her clothes and essentials were in that storage and so we did what we could to help out. She arrived in a snow storm, we had at least 9 inches total and had no boots. Talk about a sad circumstance. Told her I hardly leave my apt so I wait until the sidewalks clear up before I go. She managed to take our bus to town for some groceries. When her U Haul arrived and they unloaded it  they had to hurry because it was snowing! Guess it will take awhile for her to find all her things. I sure know what it feels like to have a place with nothing in it. She was sleeping in the chair!

Word went around the complex that someone in another building had covid. It’s not as scary as it was in the beginning where they would spray the building hall ways and wipe down the doors and put MASK signs up to enter. My how times have changed. Possible to have it and not know it.. YES living proof of that..so many tests and so many strains.. who knows any more. ANYWAY… just glad it was not my building. I wear a mask or TWO when I leave my place so I do take the precautions. 

 This year will be 11 years since my mom passed. It seems like a long time, but your memories are like yesterday. So much has happened and some days you wish you could get her opinion about things. I often find myself talking to her, knowing there will be no answer. If I listen to my inner thoughts I will know what she would say. The days roll on and there is so much unrest in the world I know she is the lucky one not to deal with it all any more. 


Time flies by…And so it goes on…


So it is NOVEMBER now.. summer is gone and so is fall now. Our leaves never did turn colors they just hung on the trees forever. We had a warm September and October. Well…. Never did I think that this blog would sit here for months without an update. Just so many things going on the whole world has changed so much. Seems ever since I got Covid back in the spring, things have just went downhill health wise. One thing and another I have been tested over and over again and seen the inside of a busy ER for 7 hours and many Dr appts. I only mention this because I had very little health problems before. So frustrating. Oh it is just YOU getting older. Well we all do that but NOT sure if that is really the answer to things. I won’t mention the details but a hosp stay is not out of the question. Scary times.

Anyway. because supplies are being getting more scarce I am buying up my canned goods for the winter,. All things talked about the winter here being a bad one. I went shopping and notice that every single time I go to the store, which is once a week, prices are up 50 cents or more. A head of lettuce was up a whole DOLLAR. I was shocked. Went into another local store and the saleslady was trying to put up stock and check people out at the same time. Had NO HELP she said.. they either call in sick or quit. Rows of boxes sat everywhere just waiting to be put on the shelves. She was by herself in the whole place. She told me that it did NOT make her feel very safe, but she needed to work. Some places will NOT let you work alone. I told her not to let everyone know that it could be dangerous. She knew I was safe, but you never KNOW who is listening around the corner. I then went to the gas station and well you all know what that is like right now. Hit or miss in getting a good price. No matter what things are changing and I hope we all can just keep up and hang in there. I will try to check in when I can.

WELL if time flies again and I don’t get back here.. Hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving and a very Merry Christmas.